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Cheap Super Zhewitra 80 mg

Impotence is a disease that frightens each man. It is customary to think that old age is the main cause of this disease, but this isn’t so. Age-related changes aren’t so critical for the male force, what’s much more important is what a person has been sick with during whole his life.

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Generic Super Zhewitra 80 mg OTC

Everyone knows that you need to take care of health from an early age, but this isn’t always possible. Physical inactivity, sedentary work, irregular sex life, bad habits, unhealthy diet, stresses and worries, hormonal disruptions, and impaired blood circulation – any of these factors can cause irreparable harm to a man's health.

When a man, especially a young one, reveals signs of erectile dysfunction (ED), he often tries to ignore it or heal it with the help of folk remedies. All this leads to the fact that ED development becomes irreversible, and then medicine isn't able to fully restore the health of such a man. Super Zhewitra will become indispensable in this case, and others when the full restoration of natural sexual function is impossible. This drug isn't a medicine in the usual sense of the word, it won't allow one to permanently get rid of impotence, but can completely eliminate it for six to eight hours (with the ability to have sex several times) and help with premature ejaculation. The regular use of these pills will bring you back to active sex life.

Cheap Super Zhewitra 80 mg

Super Zhewitra (Snovitra Super Power) is a generic Levitra that is suitable for the treatment of severe forms of ED. It contains 20 mg of vardenafil and 60 mg of dapoxetine. This amount of active ingredient must be taken very carefully, despite the fact that these substances act gently and are well tolerated. Men after 65 years of age need to consult with a doctor before administration. The fact is that in old age, the body's resistance to drugs becomes reduced, and an increased dosage may be excessive and lead to an overdose. For elderly men, it is preferable to start with a dosage of 20 mg or even a smaller one.

Super Zhewitra is unique in its unsurpassed good tolerability, despite the high dosage; it can be taken even with some disruption of the internal organs and not serious chronic diseases.

This drug is generic and is manufactured in India according to the FDA-approved classic recipe. This means that the generic doesn't differ from the original drug – it has the same composition, properties and high quality. However, this drug is sold without a prescription and has a very affordable price.

Who Should Take Super Zhewitra 80 mg?

Super Zhewitra can be called universal, as it is suitable for the treatment of ED caused by various factors. These can be age-related changes, impaired blood circulation, or chronic diseases that have led to a deterioration in sexual function. Often, the impotence can be caused by fears, stresses, and self-doubts – in this case, the drug will also be very effective. Truly speaking, for the treatment of ED caused by psychological factors, it is better to choose a smaller dosage.

Despite the proven effectiveness, there are cases when the use of Super Zhewitra didn't give the desired result. This happens with individual drug intolerance and serious hormonal disorders. In case of intolerance, you can always try another PDE5 inhibitor, and in case of hormonal disorders, contact an endocrinologist for help. Also, vardenafil doesn't work in the absence of sexual arousal, as it enhances the natural processes, but isn't an aphrodisiac agent.

Mechanism of Action

ErectionThe mechanism of action of the drug is similar to other PDE5 inhibitors. It blocks the production and action of PDE5 enzymes, which are able to stop an erection and reduce the excitement to zero. Naturally, they appear only after the end of sexual intercourse, but with ED, they can begin their action at any moment. Vardenafil and dapoxetine reliably protect against such unpleasant surprises. If you have an erection, then under the action of the drug, it will last as long as necessary, and then disappear after the onset of orgasm. Due to the fact that these substances improve blood circulation and relax smooth muscles, the penis becomes filled with blood as much as possible. Men who have had problems with potency for a long time, notice that after taking the medicine, their penis becomes larger. Still, this is only an illusion, as they most likely forgot what their well-erect sexual organs looked like. Super Zhewitra doesn't increase the size of the penis but significantly improves its functioning.

Rules of Intake

All the listed positive properties of Super Zhewitra appear only when used correctly. Daily intake is impossible, so you need to take breaks. It doesn't matter whether you take medicine regularly or eventually – there is no addiction to medicine, and its effectiveness doesn't depend on the frequency of administration.

The tablet should be washed down with enough water, but eating food doesn't matter, nor does the time of day. Note that fatty food slows down the absorption, therefore vardenafil and dapoxetine will begin its action later in comparison with the drug taken on an empty stomach. At the same time, its effectiveness will be at the same level. You need to use a pill no later than 20-40 minutes before the planned sex.

Don't take medicine if you are under 18 of age or have contraindications. The list is given below:

  • heart, kidney, and liver failure;
  • heavy anemia;
  • severe arrhythmia;
  • leukemia;
  • intolerance to one of the pill components;
  • too low or too high blood pressure;
  • blood pressure surges.

These are the main contraindications, but there may be individual ones. If you have any chronic illnesses, notify your doctor about the wish to purchase Super Zhewitra.

Side Effects and Warnings

Blood pressureThe side effects caused by vardenafil and dapoxetine aren't terrible or dangerous. They rarely appear, but with a dosage of 80 mg, they occur more often than with a lower dosage, for example, with 20 mg. A list of the most frequent side effects is given below:

  • redness of the skin;
  • urticaria, rash;
  • diarrhea, nausea, dyspepsia;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • low blood pressure;
  • irregular heart rhythm.

Side effects are rather unpleasant, but they don't pose a danger to human health. They appear, as a rule, during the first-time intake. If you notice something like this in yourself, then stop taking the medicine. It is necessary to seek medical attention only when side effects don't disappear for several days or their power rises.

Drug Interactions

When using any medication, it is important to know about dangerous interactions. There are medicines, the combination of which can lead to unpleasant consequences and a serious deterioration in health. Super Zhewitra doesn't enter into a chemical reaction with most of the commonly used drugs, but there are exceptions. These medications include:

  • some antibiotics, especially of the first generation;
  • all drugs that contain nitrates;
  • some antifungal medications;
  • inhibitors used in AIDS and HIV treatment and prophylaxis.

If you often use any medications that aren't on the list, be sure to consult with your doctor. This applies not only drugs but also to vitamins and food supplements.

During the action of vardenafil, alcohol abuse is contraindicated.

Customer Reviews

No matter how detailed the instructions for the medicine are or how well the doctor has answered your questions, reviewing testimonials from a real person who has already used the drug will always be helpful, especially if there are several such opinions. True stories will help to find answers, as they describe particular cases that aren't mentioned in the manual. Maybe the described case will be close to you and will help you to know what to expect.

Read the reviews before buying Super Zhewitra in order to dispel all doubts. At the same time, it is important to remember that, on the basis of someone’s review, you can't make a diagnosis and prescribe a self-treatment. The body of each person is individual and you shouldn't think that everything would be exactly the same as with the person on the internet.

Purchase Generic Super Zhewitra 80 mg Online

Online orderContrary to popular belief, high-quality and effective medicine can be inexpensive, and Super Zhewitra is a good example of this. You can buy this generic with a very competitive price at CialisBit online pharmacy. Now you can regain sexual vigor without any harm to your budget, even if you use the ED pills often.

Online ordering will allow you to not even leave the house to buy goods, especially since it will be delivered to your door in any city all over the USA.

Wholesale orders will be a good solution for those who regularly use PDE5 inhibitors. The more tablets you order, the lower the price of each will be. Payment of drugs with Bitcoin gives a 35% discount.

In addition to Super Zhewitra (Levitra Force), you can also buy generic Levitra 60 mg and other vardenafil-based drugs. Also, there is a wide range of Cialis, Viagra, and Priligy generics.


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